Browsing by Author Liu, Linxin

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Showing results 4 to 15 of 15 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
12-Jan-2022Chronic kidney disease biomarkers and mortality among older adults: A comparison study of survey samples in China and the United StatesMiao, Hui; Liu, Linxin; Wang, Yeli; Wang, Yucheng; He, Qile; Jafar, Tazeen Hasan; Tang, Shenglan; Zeng, Yi; Ji, John S.
Dec-2021Comparing Effects of FOXO3 and Residing in Urban Areas on Longevity: A Gene-Environment Interaction StudyJi, John S.; Liu, Linxin; Yan, Lijing; Zeng, Yi
Jan-2022Effect of FOXO3 and Air Pollution on Cognitive Function: A Longitudinal Cohort Study of Older Adults in China From 2000 to 2014Ji, John S.; Liu, Linxin; Zeng, Yi; Yan, Lijing L.
1-Dec-2021Effect of heatwaves and greenness on mortality among Chinese older adults*Zhang, Haofan; Liu, Linxin; Zeng, Yi; Liu, Miaomiao; Bi, Jun; Ji, John S.
15-Jun-2023Environmental greenspace, subjective well-being, and all-cause mortality in elderly Chinese: Association and mediation study in a prospective cohortHe, Qile; Liu, Linxin; Zhang, Haofan; Chen, Runsen; Dong, Guanghui; Yan, Lijing L.; Zeng, Yi; Kim, Yoonhee; Ji, John S.
15-Jun-2023Environmental greenspace, subjective well-being, and all-cause mortality in elderly Chinese: Association and mediation study in a prospective cohortHe, Qile; Liu, Linxin; Zhang, Haofan; Chen, Runsen; Dong, Guanghui; Yan, Lijing L.; Zeng, Yi; Kim, Yoonhee; Ji, John S.
May-2020Gene-Environment Interaction of FOXO and Residential Greenness on Mortality Among Older AdultsLiu, Linxin; Zhu, Anna; Shu, Chang; Zeng, Yi; Ji, John S.
14-Mar-2021Interaction of Sirtuin 1 (SIRT1) candidate longevity gene and particulate matter (PM2.5) on all-cause mortality: a longitudinal cohort study in ChinaYao, Yao; Liu, Linxin; Guo, Guang; Zeng, Yi; Ji, John S.
13-Oct-2022NO2 and PM2.5 air pollution co-exposure and temperature effect modification on pre-mature mortality in advanced age: a longitudinal cohort study in ChinaJi, John S.; Liu, Linxin; Zhang, Junfeng (Jim); Kan, Haidong; Zhao, Bin; Burkart, Katrin G.; Zeng, Yi
25-Mar-2024Risk factors associated with heatwave mortality in Chinese adults over 65 yearsXi, Di; Liu, Linxin; Zhang, Min; Huang, Cunrui; Burkart, Katrin G.; Ebi, Kristie; Zeng, Yi; Ji, John S.
Dec-2021Sex Difference and Interaction of SIRT1 and FOXO3 Candidate Longevity Genes on Life Expectancy: A 10-Year Prospective Longitudinal Cohort StudyJi, John S.; Liu, Linxin; Shu, Chang; Yan, Lijing L.; Zeng, Yi
1-Dec-2023Trade-offs between cold protection and air pollution-induced mortality of China&apos;s heating policyZhang, Haofan; He, Pan; Liu, Linxin; Dai, Hui; Zhao, Bin; Zeng, Yi; Bi, Jun; Liu, Miaomiao; Ji, John S.