Browsing by Author Zhao, Wenzhi

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Showing results 12 to 20 of 20 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017Object-Based Convolutional Neural Network for High-Resolution Imagery ClassificationZhao, Wenzhi; Du, Shihong; Emery, William J.
2015On combining multiscale deep learning features for the classification of hyperspectral remote sensing imageryZhao, Wenzhi; Guo, Zhou; Yue, Jun; Zhang, Xiuyuan; Luo, Liqun
Feb-2022<p>Effects of Lactobacillus paracasei N1115 on dyslipidaemia: A randomized controlled study</p>Jiang, Hua; Tan, Shengjie; Ning, Ke; Li, Hao; Zhao, Wenzhi; Zhao, Ai; Zhu, Hong; Wang, Shijie; Wang, Peiyu; Zhang, Yumei
2018Prevalence of premastication among children aged 6-36months and its association with health: A cross-sectional study in eight cities of ChinaZhao, Ai; Zheng, Wei; Xue, Yong; Li, Hao; Tan, Shengjie; Zhao, Wenzhi; Wang, Peiyu; Zhang, Yumei
2016Scene classification using multi-scale deeply described visual wordsZhao, Wenzhi; Du, Shihong
Dec-2021Shifting from homogeneous to heterogeneous surfaces in estimating terrestrial evapotranspiration: Review and perspectivesLiu, Yuanbo; Qiu, Guoyu; Zhang, Hongsheng; Yang, Yonghui; Zhang, Yinsheng; Wang, Quan; Zhao, Wenzhi; Jia, Li; Ji, Xibin; Xiong, Yujiu; Yan, Chunhua; Ma, Ning; Han, Shumin; Cui, Yifan
2015Spectral-spatial classification of hyperspectral images using deep convolutional neural networksYue, Jun; Zhao, Wenzhi; Mao, Shanjun; Liu, Hui
2016Spectral-Spatial Feature Extraction for Hyperspectral Image Classification: A Dimension Reduction and Deep Learning ApproachZhao, Wenzhi; Du, Shihong
2015Using random walker for knowledge transfer in classifying multi-temporal VHR imagesGuo, Zhou; Du, Shihong; Zhao, Wenzhi