Browsing by Author Friess, Helmut

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Showing results 1 to 6 of 6
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016Activated Schwann cells in pancreatic cancer are linked to analgesia via suppression of spinal astroglia and microgliaDemir, Ihsan Ekin; Tieftrunk, Elke; Schorn, Stephan; Saricaoglu, Oemer Cemil; Pfitzinger, Paulo L.; Teller, Steffen; Wang, Kun; Waldbaur, Christine; Kurkowski, Magdalena U.; Woermann, Sonja Maria; Shaw, Victoria E.; Kehl, Timo; Laschinger, Melanie; Costello, Eithne; Alguel, Hana; Friess, Helmut; Ceyhan, Gueralp O.
2014The Impact of Neural Invasion Severity in Gastrointestinal Malignancies A Clinicopathological StudyLiebl, Florian; Demir, Ihsan Ekin; Mayer, Katharina; Schuster, Tibor; D'Haese, Jan G.; Becker, Karen; Langer, Rupert; Bergmann, Frank; Wang, Kun; Rosenberg, Robert; Novotny, Alexander R.; Feith, Marcus; Reim, Daniel; Friess, Helmut; Ceyhan, Gueralp O.
24-Dec-2020Indirect cholinergic activation slows down pancreatic cancer growth and tumor-associated inflammationPfitzinger, Paulo L.; Fangmann, Laura; Wang, Kun; Demir, Elke; Guerlevik, Engin; Fleischmann-Mundt, Bettina; Brooks, Jennifer; D'Haese, Jan G.; Teller, Steffen; Hecker, Andreas; Jesinghaus, Moritz; Jaeger, Carsten; Ren, Lei; Istvanffy, Rouzanna; Kuehnel, Florian; Friess, Helmut; Ceyhan, Guralp Onur; Demir, Ihsan Ekin
2012Neuronal plasticity in chronic pancreatitis is mediated via the neurturin/GFR alpha 2 axisDemir, Ihsan Ekin; Wang, Kun; Tieftrunk, Elke; Giese, Nathalia A.; Xing, Baocai; Friess, Helmut; Kehl, Timo; Ceyhan, Gueralp O.
2014The neurotrophic factor neurturin contributes toward an aggressive cancer cell phenotype, neuropathic pain and neuronal plasticity in pancreatic cancerWang, Kun; Demir, Ihsan Ekin; D'Haese, Jan G.; Tieftrunk, Elke; Kujundzic, Kristina; Schorn, Stephan; Xing, Baocai; Kehl, Timo; Friess, Helmut; Ceyhan, Gueralp O.
2013Perineural Mast Cells Are Specifically Enriched in Pancreatic Neuritis and Neuropathic Pain in Pancreatic Cancer and Chronic PancreatitisDemir, Ihsan Ekin; Schorn, Stephan; Schremmer-Danninger, Elisabeth; Wang, Kun; Kehl, Timo; Giese, Nathalia A.; Alguel, Hana; Friess, Helmut; Ceyhan, Gueralp O.