Browsing by Author Li, Zhibin

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Showing results 1 to 10 of 10
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1-Oct-2021Complete ablation of resistant tumors with photosensitive black phosphorus quantum dots-based lipid nanocapsulesGeng, Shengyong; Li, Zhibin; Zhang, Rui; Zhou, Wenhua; Luo, Guanghong; Chu, Paul K.; Yu, Xue-Feng
2017Corrections to holographic entanglement plateauChen, Bin; Li, Zhibin; Zhang, Jia-ju
2023Exosomes and Their Bioengineering Strategies in the Cutaneous Wound Healing and Related Complications: Current Knowledge and Future PerspectivesYang, Guang; Waheed, Saquib; Wang, Cong; Shekh, Mehdihasan; Li, Zhibin; Wu, Jun
Aug-2023From welfarism to entrepreneurialism: Impacts of the "shanty-area renovation" scheme on housing prices in ChinaGao, Yuan; Tian, Li; Ling, Yingkai; Li, Zhibin; Yan, Yaqi
2013The low altitude test platform of high altitude airship (HAA) control technologySun, Shuai; Li, Zhibin; Tian, Kefeng; Wu, Lei; Huang, Di
Oct-2021Molybdenum Diphosphide Nanorods with Laser-Potentiated Peroxidase Catalytic/Mild-Photothermal Therapy of Oral CancerQian, Min; Cheng, Ziqiang; Luo, Guanghong; Galluzzi, Massimiliano; Shen, Yuehong; Li, Zhibin; Yang, Hongyu; Yu, Xue-Feng
2018A promising orthopedic implant material with enhanced osteogenic and antibacterial activity: Al2O3-coated aluminum alloyWeng, Yuchang; Liu, Hanxia; Ji, Shunping; Huang, Qian; Wu, Hao; Li, Zhibin; Wu, Zhongzhen; Wang, Huaiyu; Tong, Liping; Fu, Ricky K. Y.; Chu, Paul K.; Pan, Feng
Feb-2024Safety and efficacy of ultrasound-guided superior hypogastric plexus block combined with conscious sedation in ambulatory patients undergoing percutaneous microwave ablation of uterine myomas: Study protocol for a single-center, double-blinded, randomizedYan, Lijuan; Wang, Xiao; Zhang, Zuobing; Li, Zhibin; Chi, Laiting; Wang, Lijuan
2019Supplying social infrastructure land for satisfying public needs or leasing residential land? A study of local government choices in ChinaGao, Yuan; Tian, Li; Cao, Yandong; Zhou, Lin; Li, Zhibin; Hou, Deyi
Mar-2023Transient Stimulated Raman Excited Fluorescence SpectroscopyYu, Qiaozhi; Yao, Zhengjian; Zhang, Haolin; Li, Zhibin; Chen, Zhixing; Xiong, Hanqing