Browsing by Author Ma, Teng

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 55  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2008Adenovirus-expressed human hyperplasia suppressor gene induces apoptosis in cancer cellsWu, Lina; Li, Zhixin; Zhang, Yingmei; Zhang, Pei; Zhu, Xiaohui; Huang, Jing; Ma, Teng; Lu, Tian; Song, Quansheng; Li, Qian; Guo, Yanhong; Tang, Jian; Ma, Dalong; Chen, Kuang-Hueih; Qiu, Xiaoyan
2018Chitosan conduits filled with simvastatin/Pluronic F-127 hydrogel promote peripheral nerve regeneration in ratsGuo, Qi; Liu, Can; Hai, Bao; Ma, Teng; Zhang, Wen; Tan, Jie; Fu, Xin; Wang, Hong; Xu, Yingsheng; Song, Chunli
16-Dec-2022Constructing generic effective field theory for all masses and spinsDong, Zi-Yu; Ma, Teng; Shu, Jing; Zheng, Yu-Hui
27-Jun-2023Constructing on-shell operator basis for all masses and spinsDong, Zi-Yu; Ma, Teng; Shu, Jing
27-Jun-2023Constructing on-shell operator basis for all masses and spinsDong, Zi-Yu; Ma, Teng; Shu, Jing
29-Sep-2023Costs and health benefits of the rural energy transition to carbon neutrality in ChinaMa, Teng; Zhang, Silu; Xiao, Yilong; Liu, Xiaorui; Wang, Minghao; Wu, Kai; Shen, Guofeng; Huang, Chen; Fang, Yan Ru; Xie, Yang
2016DCUN1D3 activates SCFSKP2 ubiquitin E3 ligase activity and cell cycle progression under UV damageZhang, Shuai; Huang, Jing; Shi, Taiping; Hu, Fanlei; Zhang, Li; Zhou, Ping-Kun; Ma, Dalong; Ma, Teng; Qiu, Xiaoyan
2008DCUN1D3, a novel UVC-responsive gene that is involved in cell cycle progression and cell growthMa, Teng; Shi, Taiping; Huang, Jing; Wu, Lina; Hu, Fanlei; He, PengFei; Deng, WeiWei; Gao, Peng; Zhang, Yingmei; Song, Quansheng; Ma, Dalong; Qiu, Xiaoyan
2007Density-controlled hydrothermal growth of well-aligned ZnO nanorod arraysMa, Teng; Guo, Min; Zhang, Mei; Zhang, Yanjun; Wang, Xidong
Apr-2023Development and validation of a transformer-based CAD model for improving the consistency of BI-RADS category 3-5 nodule classification among radiologists: a multiple center studyJi, Hongtao; Zhu, Qiang; Ma, Teng; Cheng, Yun; Zhou, Shuai; Ren, Wei; Huang, Huilian; He, Wen; Ran, Haitao; Ruan, Litao; Guo, Yanli; Tian, Jiawei; Chen, Wu; Chen, Luzeng; Wang, Zhiyuan; Zhou, Qi; Niu, Lijuan; Zhang, Wei; Yang, Ruimin; Chen, Qin; Zhang, Ruifang; Wang, Hui; Li, Li; Liu, Minghui; Nie, Fang; Zhou, Aiyun
15-Aug-2024Disparity and driving forces of energy consumption in China's provincial urban residential sector under the carbon neutrality targetXiao, Yilong; Ma, Teng; Fang, Yan Ru; Huang, Chen; Dai, Hancheng
2014Early Assessment of Tumor Response to Gefitinib Treatment by Noninvasive Optical Imaging of Tumor Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Expression in Animal ModelsLiu, Zhaofei; Sun, Xianlei; Liu, Hao; Ma, Teng; Shi, Jiyun; Jia, Bing; Zhao, Huiyun; Wang, Fan
2009The Effect of the Texture and the Density of ZnO Seed Layer on the Orientation of ZnO Nanorod ArraysMa, Teng; Guo, Min; Zhang, Mei; Wang, Xidong
2008Effects of preparing conditions on the electrodeposition of well-aligned ZnO nanorod arraysGuo, Min; Yang, ChuanYu; Zhang, Mei; Zhang, YanJun; Ma, Teng; Wang, XiDong; Wang, XinDong
8-Feb-2022Efficacy and Safety of Tirofiban in Clinical Patients With Acute Ischemic StrokeHan, Bin; Ma, Teng; Liu, Zhendong; Wu, Yiqun; Tan, Weiwei; Sun, Shaoyang; Li, Xuemei; Shao, Changyan; Tang, Duyong; Sun, Jinping
15-Jun-2020Emergence of Maximal SymmetryCsaki, Csaba; Ma, Teng; Shu, Jing; Yu, Jiang-Hao
2009Expression of Immunoglobulin Gene With Classical V-(D)-J Rearrangement in Mouse Testis and EpididymisHuang, Jing; Zhang, Li; Ma, Teng; Zhang, Pei; Qiu, Xiaoyan
1-Dec-2024Gamma radiation-induced changes in the structural and optical properties of CsPbBr<sub>3</sub> thin films for space applicationsZhao, Zhuan; Padhiar, Muhammad Amin; Zhang, Shaolin; Ma, Teng; Khan, Noor Zamin; Ji, Yongqiang; Maroof, Zubair; Pan, Shusheng
24-Jun-2020Generating a Higgs Potential Quartic TermCsaki, Csaba; Guan, Cong-Sen; Ma, Teng; Shu, Jing
Oct-2020Health and economic benefit of China's greenhouse gas mitigation by 2050Xie, Yang; Wu, Yazhen; Xie, Mingjun; Li, Baodi; Zhang, Hui; Ma, Teng; Zhang, Yuqiang