Browsing by Author Tang, Xin

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 29  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
20163D Interslab Echo-Shifted FLASH Sequence for Susceptibility Weighted ImagingMa, Ya-Jun; Liu, Wentao; Zhao, Xuna; Tang, Weinan; Li, Huanjie; Fan, Yang; Tang, Xin; Zhang, Yaoyu; Gao, Jia-Hong
20133D phase unwrapping using global expected phase as a reference: Application to MRI global shimmingLiu, Wentao; Tang, Xin; Ma, Yajun; Gao, Jia-Hong
2016Cooking fuel choice in rural China: results from microdataHou, Bing Dong; Tang, Xin; Ma, Chunbo; Liu, Li; Wei, Yi Ming; Liao, Hua
2023CRISPR/SaCas9-based gene editing rescues photoreceptor degeneration throughout a rhodopsin-associated autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa mouse modelDu, Wei; Li, Jiarui; Tang, Xin; Yu, Wenzhen; Zhao, Mingwei
5-May-2024Cu-supported nano-ZrZnOx as a highly active inverse catalyst for low temperature methanol synthesis from CO2 hydrogenationXu, Yangzhi; Gao, Zirui; Xu, Yao; Qin, Xuetao; Tang, Xin; Xie, Zhiwei; Zhang, Jinrong; Song, Chuqiao; Yao, Siyu; Zhou, Wu; Ma, Ding; Lin, Lili
2011A cylindrical core-shell-like TiO2 nanotube array anode for flexible fiber-type dye-sensitized solar cellsYu, Jiefeng; Wang, Dan; Huang, Yining; Fan, Xing; Tang, Xin; Gao, Cong; Li, Jianlong; Zou, Dechun; Wu, Kai
Jun-2020Disease-causing mutations associated with bestrophinopathies promote apoptosis in retinal pigment epithelium cellsGao, Tingting; Tian, Chengqiang; Xu, Hui; Tang, Xin; Huang, Lvzhen; Zhao, Mingwei
Dec-2021Dose-Related Structural Effects of Photodynamic Therapy on Rabbit Choroidal StructureDu, Wei; Lee, Yin Chih; Wang, Tianfu; Cui, Haoran; Xu, Hui; Bao, Xuan; Tang, Xin; Zhao, Mingwei
2015Double Reference Points: the Effects of Social and Financial Reference Points on Decisions Under RiskLu, Jingyi; Xie, Xiaofei; Wang, Mei; Tang, Xin
10-Oct-2020Ephrin-A5 Is Involved in Retinal Neovascularization in a Mouse Model of Oxygen-Induced RetinopathyDu, Wei; Huang, Lvzhen; Tang, Xin; Li, Jiarui; Li, Xiaoxin
24-Jan-2024Frailty mediated the association between tooth loss and mortality in the oldest old individuals: a cohort studyWang, Mingxia; Deng, Xiaomeng; Chen, Hanjie; Diao, Yuhan; Liu, Chang; Gao, Jun; Tang, Xin; Li, Xiaoyan; Liu, Yan; Duan, Jun
2014A high-field magnetic resonance imaging spectrometer using an oven-controlled crystal oscillator as the local oscillator of its radio frequency transceiverLiang, Xiao; Tang, Xin; Tang, Weinan; Gao, Jia-Hong
2015Improved adaptive reconstruction of multichannel MR imagesMa, Ya-Jun; Liu, Wentao; Zhao, Xuna; Tang, Weinan; Zhang, Zihao; Tang, Xin; Fan, Yang; Li, Huanjie; Gao, Jia-Hong
2013Improved Parallel MR Imaging Using a Coefficient Penalized Regularization for GRAPPA ReconstructionLiu, Wentao; Tang, Xin; Ma, Yajun; Gao, Jia-Hong
15-Aug-2023Insights into the interfacial structure of Cu/ZrO2 catalysts for methanol synthesis from CO2 hydrogenation: Effects of Cu-supported nano-ZrO2 inverse interfaceXu, Yangzhi; Wang, Maolin; Xie, Zhiwei; Tian, Dong; Sheng, Guan; Tang, Xin; Li, Haibo; Wu, Yichao; Song, Chuqiao; Gao, Xiaofeng; Yao, Siyu; Ma, Ding; Lin, Lili
15-Aug-2023Insights into the interfacial structure of Cu/ZrO2 catalysts for methanol synthesis from CO2 hydrogenation: Effects of Cu-supported nano-ZrO2 inverse interfaceXu, Yangzhi; Wang, Maolin; Xie, Zhiwei; Tian, Dong; Sheng, Guan; Tang, Xin; Li, Haibo; Wu, Yichao; Song, Chuqiao; Gao, Xiaofeng; Yao, Siyu; Ma, Ding; Lin, Lili
2016Isolation, Characterization, and Multipotent Differentiation of Mesenchymal Stem Cells Derived from Meniscal DebrisFu, Weili; Xie, Xing; Li, Qi; Chen, Gang; Zhang, Chenghao; Tang, Xin; Li, Jian
2007A new method for shimming a magnetic field in NMR systemJin, Zhe; Tang, Xin; Qi, Feng; Zu, Donglin; Wang, Weimin
2007A new target field method for optimizing longitudinal gradient coils' propertyQi, Feng; Tang, Xin; Jin, Zhe; Wang, Le; Zu, Donglin; Wang, Weimin
2008A novel approach for shimming a permanent magnet for small scale NMR systemZhang, Huai-Ling; Tang, Xin