Browsing by Author Wang, Houfeng

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 85  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2013The acquisition of Chinese ergative verbs and the verification of relevant rules in semantic role labelingWang, Mengxiang; Liu, Yang; Wang, Houfeng; Zhang, Longkai
2022Adjusting the Precision-Recall Trade-Off with Align-and-Predict Decoding for Grammatical Error CorrectionSun, Xin; Wang, Houfeng
2017Attentive interactive neural networks for answer selection in community question answeringZhang, Xiaodong; Li, Sujian; Sha, Lei; Wang, Houfeng
2018Autoencoder as Assistant Supervisor: Improving Text Representation for Chinese Social Media Text SummarizationMa, Shuming; Sun, Xu; Lin, Junyang; Wang, Houfeng
2006Automatic keyphrase extraction from Chinese news documentsWang, Houfeng; Li, Sujian; Yu, Shiwen
2005Automatic keyphrase extraction from Chinese news documentsWang, Houfeng; Li, Sujian; Yu, Shiwen
2013Automatically predicting the polarity of Chinese adjectives: Not, a bit and a search engineXu, Ge; Huang, Churen; Wang, Houfeng
2017Bi-directional gated memory networks for answer selectionWu, Wei; Wang, Houfeng; Li, Sujian
2007Bootstrapping both product properties and opinion words from chinese reviews with cross-trainingWang, Bo; Wang, Houfeng
2010Build Chinese emotion lexicons using a graph-based algorithm and multiple resourcesXu, Ge; Meng, Xinfan; Wang, Houfeng
2006Chinese abbreviation identification using abbreviation-template features and context informationSun, Xu; Wang, Houfeng
2006Chinese abbreviation-definition identification: A SVM approach using context informationSun, Xu; Wang, Houfeng; Zhang, Yu
2006Chinese abbreviation-definition identification: A SVM approach using context informationSun, Xu; Wang, Houfeng; Zhang, Yu
2005Chinese multi-document personal name disambiguationWang, Houfeng; Mei, Zheng
2006Chinese noun phrase metaphor recognition with maximum entropy approachWang, Zhimin; Wang, Houfeng; Duan, Huiming; Han, Shuang; Yu, Shiwen
2014Coarse-grained candidate generation and fine-grained re-ranking for chinese abbreviation predictionZhang, Longkai; Wang, Houfeng; Sun, Xu
2015Collaborative Multi-view Learning with Active Discriminative Prior for RecommendationZhang, Qing; Wang, Houfeng
2006A comparative study on Chinese word clusteringWang, Bo; Wang, Houfeng
2012A comparison and improvement of online learning algorithms for sequence labelingHe, Zhengyan; Wang, Houfeng
2012Constructing chinese abbreviation dictionary: A stacked approachZhang, Longkai; Li, Sujian; Wang, Houfeng; Sun, Ni; Meng, Xinfan