Browsing by Author Zhao, Dongyan

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 164  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019Abstractive Text Summarization by Incorporating Reader CommentsGao, Shen; Chen, Xiuying; Li, Piji; Ren, Zhaochun; Bing, Lidong; Zhao, Dongyan; Yan, Rui
2019Adaptive Distributed RDF Graph Fragmentation and Allocation based on Query WorkloadPeng, Peng; Zou, Lei; Chen, Lei; Zhao, Dongyan
2016Adaptive Evolutionary Filtering in Real-Time Twitter StreamFan, Feifan; Feng, Yansong; Yao, Lili; Zhao, Dongyan
2022Adaptive Orthogonal Projection for Batch and Online Continual LearningGuo, Yiduo; Hu, Wenpeng; Zhao, Dongyan; Liu, Bing
15-Apr-2023Age-stratified proteomic characteristics and identification of promising precise clinical treatment targets of colorectal cancerWang, Qianqian; Zhou, Yuanchen; Zhou, Geyujia; Qin, Geng; Tan, Chang; Yin, Tengfei; Zhao, Dongyan; Yao, Shukun
2011Answering label-constraint reachability in large graphsXu, Kun; Zou, Lei; Yu, Jeffery Xu; Chen, Lei; Xiao, Yanghua; Zhao, Dongyan
2018Answering Natural Language Questions by Subgraph Matching over Knowledge Graphs (Extended abstract)Hu, Sen; Zou, Lei; Yu, Jeffrey Xu; Wang, Haixun; Zhao, Dongyan
2014Answering natural language questions via phrasal semantic parsingXu, Kun; Zhang, Sheng; Feng, Yansong; Zhao, Dongyan
2014Answering natural language questions via phrasal semantic parsingXu, Kun; Zhang, Sheng; Feng, Yansong; Zhao, Dongyan
2012Answering pattern match queries in large graph databases via graph embeddingZou, Lei; Chen, Lei; Oezsu, M. Tamer; Zhao, Dongyan
2011Answering Subgraph Queries over Large GraphsZheng, Weiguo; Zou, Lei; Zhao, Dongyan
2016Answering subgraph queries over massive disk resident graphsPeng, Peng; Zou, Lei; Chen, Lei; Lin, Xuemin; Zhao, Dongyan
2019Are Training Samples Correlated? Learning to Generate Dialogue Responses with Multiple ReferencesQiu, Lisong; Li, Juntao; Bi, Wei; Zhao, Dongyan; Yan, Rui
13-May-2024Association Between Vitamin B12 Intake and Mortality in Patients with Colorectal Cancer: The US National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 1999-2018Zhou, Yuanchen; Wang, Qianqian; Yin, Tengfei; Zhao, Dongyan; Zhou, Geyujia; Sun, Xizhen; Tan, Chang; Zhou, Lei; Yao, Shukun
2020Be Aware of the Hot Zone: A Warning System of Hazard Area Prediction to Intervene Novel Coronavirus COVID-19 OutbreakFu, Zhenxin; Wu, Yu; Zhang, Hailei; Hu, Yichuan; Zhao, Dongyan; Yan, Rui
2021A blockchain-based rice supply chain systemXue, Yang; Liang, Xun; Zhao, Dongyan
2020A Character-Centric Neural Model for Automated Story GenerationLiu, Danyang; Li, Juntao; Yu, Meng-Hsuan; Huang, Ziming; Liu, Gongshen; Zhao, Dongyan; Yan, Rui
2010Chinese news event 5W1H elements extraction using semantic role labelingWang, Wei; Zhao, Dongyan; Wang, Dong
2023Class-Incremental Learning based on Label GenerationShao, Yijia; Guo, Yiduo; Zhao, Dongyan; Liu, Bing