TitleSmall interfering RNAs screened from random siRNA library direct neuronal differentiation
AuthorsLu, Yabin
Zhang, Jiewen
Xiong, Yuan
Zhu, Ning
Fan, Cuiqing
Wang, Song
Liu, Shaowei
Liang, Zicai
Shen, Yan
Wang, Qiong
Chen, Meihong
AffiliationCAMS, PUMC, Natl Lab Med Mol Biol, Inst Basic Med Sci,Sch Basic Med, Beijing 100005, Peoples R China.
Fourth Mil Med Univ, Xi Jing Hosp, Dept Cardiolog, Xian 710032, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.
Peking Univ, Inst Mol Med, Beijing 100871, Peoples R China.
CAMS, PUMC, Natl Lab Med Mol Biol, Inst Basic Med Sci,Sch Basic Med, 5 Dong Dan San Tiao, Beijing 100005, Peoples R China.
KeywordsFunctional screening
Neuronal differentiation
Random library
SiRNA library
Issue Date2011
Publisherbiotechnology letters
CitationBIOTECHNOLOGY LETTERS.2011,33,(9),1737-1744.
AbstractDirected neuronal differentiation is crucial for development of cell therapy and investigation of neurogenesis. However, limited differentiation-inducing agents are available and most of current differentiation regimens are complicated. Here we carried out a combinatorial high-throughput screen with a random siRNA library on murine P19 cell differentiation toward neuronal lineage. Two siRNAs screened from the library were able to direct neuronal differentiation, determined by nestin, neurofilament-M and MAP-2 up-regulation. This is the first trial of a screening procedure for neuronal differentiation-directing agents arising from a random siRNA library and demonstrates that a random siRNA library can be considered as a new resource in efforts to seek new agents for directed differentiation. As the random siRNA library has a broad coverage for the entire genome, screening using random siRNA library can be expected to greatly augment the repertoire of siRNAs for directed differentiation.
Appears in Collections:分子医学研究所

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