Title | 云南省德宏州艾滋病经性途径传播现况及影响因素 |
Other Titles | Current situation and influential factors concerning the sexual transmission of HIV in Dehong prefecture, Yunnan province |
Authors | 郭浩岩 段松 庞琳 项丽芬 叶润华 杨跃诚 陆继云 罗巍 曹卫华 邢彦 卢小鹏 孙江平 |
Affiliation | 中国疾病预防控制中心性病艾滋病预防控制中心,北京,100050 云南省德宏州疾病预防控制中心 云南省疾病预防控制中心 北京大学公共卫生学院 |
Keywords | 获得性免疫缺陷综合征 性传播疾病 疾病暴发流行 危险因素 Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome Sexually transmitted diseases Disease outbreaks Risk factors |
Issue Date | 2008 |
Publisher | 中华预防医学杂志 |
Citation | 中华预防医学杂志.2008,42,(12),862-865. |
Abstract | 目的 了解云南省德宏州艾滋病经性途径传播现况,并分析其影响因素.方法 分析云南省德宏州2005-2007年艾滋病病例报告数据、2003-2007年吸毒和暗娼人群监测数据等资料,并于2007年10月26日-11月7日开展专项调查,对暗娼、嫖客、感染者及其配偶、关键知情人等共计685人进行定性访谈,了解艾滋病经性途径传播的影响因素.结果 2007年1月1日-9月20日报告的1636例艾滋病病毒(HIV)感染者(患者)中,经性传播的比例占52%.586例经性传播感染的人群中,40.6%有商业性性行为,28.6%有婚外非商业性性行为,安全套使用率均低于30%.2003-2007年暗娼哨点监测结果显示,娱乐场所暗娼HIV阳性检出率为3.3%~5.5%,最近1个月与客人的安全套使用率为29.4%~84.4%,但与固定性伴的安全套使用率仅为9.5%~34.8%.暗娼艾滋病相关知识知晓率为95.0%,但在部分预防知识上仍存在误区.结论 目前性传播已成为德宏州艾滋病传播的重要传播途径之一,卖淫、嫖娼、姘居、多性伴、随意性行为等现象普遍存在以及安全套使用率低等是导致德宏州艾滋病经性途经传播的重要原因. Objective To investigate the current situation of the sexual transmission of HIV in Dehong prefecture,analyze the influential factors,and provide support for drafting pertinent preventive interventions in the future.Methods We had analyzed the data of case report from 2005 to 2007,and the prostitutes surveillance data from 2003 to 2007.A special survey was conducted from October 26 to November 7,2007.Totally 685 people including prostitutes,the clients of prostitutes,people who were HIV positive and their partners,key insiders were interviewed in order to better understand the influential factors related to sexual transmission of HIV.Results Among 1636 cases reported from January 1 to September 20,2007,52%were infected through sexual transmission.Among 586 cases infected throush sexual transmission,40.6%had commercial sexual behavior and 28.6%had unmarried sexual behavior.And the average rate of condom use wag below 30%.The prostitutes' surveillance data from 2003 to 2007 showed that the HIV positive rate in prostitutes was 3.3%-5.5%.The rate of condom use in the last month was 29.4%-84.4%during commercial sexual activity,but it was 9.5%-34.8%with fixed sexual partners.Although the rate of HIV and AIDS-related knowledge among prostitutes was 95.0%,there were still many misunderstanding regarding certain aspects of HIV and AIDS awareness.Conclusion Sexual transmission has become one of the main transmission mutes of HIV in Dehong prefecture.The main factors involved in the sexual transmission of HIV in Dehong prefecture might include the widespreading of sexual services,cohabitation among unmarried couples,having multiple partners,casual sexual behavior,and the low rate of condom use. |
URI | http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11897/289214 |
ISSN | 0253-9624 |
DOI | 10.3321/j.issn:0253-9624.2008.12.002 |
Indexed | 中文核心期刊要目总览(PKU) 中国科技核心期刊(ISTIC) 中国科学引文数据库(CSCD) |
Appears in Collections: | 公共卫生学院 |