TitleImproving dimension reduction via contour-projection
AuthorsWang, Hansheng
Ni, Liqiang
Tsai, Chih-Ling
AffiliationPeking Univ, Guanghua Sch Management, Beijing 100871, Peoples R China.
Univ Cent Florida, Dept Stat & Actuarial Sci, Orlando, FL 32816 USA.
Univ Calif Davis, Grad Sch Management, Davis, CA 95616 USA.
dimension reduction
linearity condition
sliced average variance estimation
sliced inverse regression
Issue Date2008
Publisherstatistica sinica
CitationSTATISTICA SINICA.2008,18,(1),299-311.
AbstractMost sufficient dimension reduction methods hinge on the existence of finite moments of the predictor vector, a characteristic which is not necessarily warranted for every elliptically contoured distribution as commonly encountered in practice. Hence, we propose a contour-projection approach, which projects the elliptically distributed predictor vector onto a unit contour, which shares the same shape as the predictor density contour. As a result, the projected vector has finite moments of any order. Furthermore, contour-projection yields a hybrid predictor vector, which encompasses both the direction and length of the original predictor vector. Therefore, it naturally leads to a substantial improvement on many existing dimension reduction methods (e.g., sliced inverse regression and sliced average variance estimation) when the predictor vector has a heavy-tailed distribution. Numerical studies confirm our theoretical findings.
Appears in Collections:光华管理学院

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