TitleCalibration method for multiple 2D LIDARs system
AuthorsHe, Mengwen
Zhao, Huijing
Cui, Jinshi
Zha, Hongbin
AffiliationState Key Lab of Machine Perception (MOE), School of EECS, Peking University, Beijing, China
Issue Date2014
Publisher2014 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA 2014
Citation2014 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA 2014.Hong Kong, China,2014/9/22.
AbstractMany robotic and mobile mapping systems have been developed using multiple 2D LIDARs (briefly multi-LIDAR system) to sense environment. In such systems, extrinsic calibration of all LIDARs is essential for making collaborative use of the data from different sensors. This research aims at developing a calibration method for multi-LIDAR systems at the general scene, such as an outdoor place or an underground parking-lot, without modification to environment by putting calibration targets. In this paper, the calibration method is proposed by aligning the 3D data of different LIDARs. They are concerned at two-levels: 1) reference calibration, i.e. finding the transformation from a reference LIDAR to the platform frame; 2) multi-LIDAR calibration, i.e. finding the LIDARs' relative geometries by referring to the reference one. The method is examined in calibrating the multiple 2D LIDARs on an intelligent vehicle platform POSS-V, where the data collected through a driving in an underground parking-lot are registered to find sensors' geometry. Calibration accuracy is examined by comparing with a CAD model of the scene, which was measured by using a total station. ? 2014 IEEE.
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