TitleRadial distortion correction from a single image of a planar calibration pattern using convex optimization
AuthorsYing, Xianghua
Mei, Xiang
Yang, Sen
Wang, Ganwen
Zha, Hongbin
AffiliationKey Laboratory of Machine Perception (Ministry of Education), School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science, Peking University, Beijing, China
Issue Date2014
AbstractIn Hartley-Kang's paper [7], they directly treated a planar calibration pattern as an image to construct an image pair together with a radial distorted image of the planar calibration pattern, and then proposed a very efficient method to determine the center of radial distortion by estimating the epipole in the radial distorted image. After determined the center of radial distortion, a least square method was utilized to recover the radial distortion function using the monotonicity constraints. In this paper, we present a convex optimization method to recover the radial distortion function using the same constraints as those required by Hartley-Kang's method, whereas our method can obtain better results of radial distortion correction. The experiments validate our approach. ? 2014 IEEE.
Appears in Collections:信息科学技术学院

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