TitleA Structure-Preserving Image Restoration Method With High-level Ensemble Constraints
AuthorsChen, Rui
Jia, Huizhu
Xie, Xiaodong
Wen, Gao
AffiliationPeking Univ, Natl Engn Lab Video Technol, Beijing, Peoples R China.
KeywordsTerms Image restoration
structure tensor
framelet filter
point spread function
nonlocal regularization
Issue Date2016
Publisher30th IEEE Conference on Visual Communications and Image Processing (VCIP)
Citation30th IEEE Conference on Visual Communications and Image Processing (VCIP).2016.
AbstractI n this paper, we present a new image restoration framework based on two high-level regularizations that can predict and preserve the better informative structures in the image. The sparse representation of a blurred image is first obtained to globally encode the salient structures by applying a group of coupled framelet filters. Then a physical meaning regularizer is derived to estimate the point spread function based on the frequency response characteristics of the image. Moreover, based on the operator of structure tensor, a novel nonlocal total variation as the regularizer is established to measure the image variation and non-local self-similarity. Finally, these two highlevel regularizers are integrated into an objective function to constrain the ill-posedness. Compared with the state-of-the-art restoration methods, our algorithm can not only suppress strong noises effectively but also recover the sharp structures from the severe and complex blurred images.
Appears in Collections:信息科学技术学院

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