Title | 创新2.0:知识社会环境下的创新民主化 |
Other Titles | Innovation 2.0: Democratizing Innovation in Knowledge Society |
Authors | 宋刚 张楠 |
Affiliation | 北京大学,遥感与地理信息系统研究所,北京,100871 清华大学,公共管理学院,北京,100084 |
Keywords | 创新2.0 用户创新 大众创新 开放创新 共同创新 知识社会 innovation 2.0 user innovation mass innovation open innovation co -innovation knowledge society |
Issue Date | 2009 |
Publisher | 中国软科学 |
Citation | 中国软科学.2009,(10),60-66. |
Abstract | 知识社会的流体特性推动了创新民主化,催生了创新2.0.本文从创新理论沿革及创新双螺旋作用下的创新生态培育的角度对创新2.0的理论基础和实践模式进行了初步探索,并结合对Living Lab模式、Fab Lab模式和AIP应用创新园区模式的比较研究,分析了ICT融合背景下伴随传统实验室及科技创新活动边界消融的创新民主化进程,总结了知识社会条件下以用户为中心的大众创新、共同创新、开放创新趋势,挖掘了创新2.0模式共性和内在的特点. The fluid characteristic of the knowledge society drives the democratization of innovation, induces the emergence of Innovation 2.0. This paper conductes an elementary study on both the theoretical basis and the practical patterns of Innovation 2.0 from the perspective of innovation theories development and the perspective of innovation eco -system fostered by double helix structure dynamics. The comparative case study of Living Lab, Fab Lab and Application Innovation Park (AIP) is analyzed to illustrate the user - centric, mass innovation, co - innovation, open innovation practice and the dissolving of traditional labs and R&D boundaries, which lead to democratization of innovation in a knowledge - based society with the emergence and convergence of modern ICT. The common and intrinsic characteristics of Innovation 2.0 patterns are also explored. |
URI | http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11897/49455 |
ISSN | 1002-9753 |
DOI | 10.3969/j.issn.1002-9753.2009.10.008 |
Indexed | 中文核心期刊要目总览(PKU) 中国科学引文数据库(CSCD) 中国社会科学引文索引(CSSCI) |
Appears in Collections: | 地球与空间科学学院 |