TitleThe Drainage of Interstitial Fluid in the Deep Brain is Controlled by the Integrity of Myelination
AuthorsWang, Aibo
Wang, Rui
Cui, Dehua
Huang, Xinrui
Yuan, Lan
Liu, Huipo
Fu, Yu
Liang, Lei
Wang, Wei
He, Qingyuan
Shi, Chunyan
Guan, Xiangping
Teng, Ze
Zhao, Guomei
Li, Yuanyuan
Gao, Yajuan
Han, Hongbin
AffiliationPeking Univ, Dept Radiol, Hosp 3, Beijing, Peoples R China
Key Lab Magnet Resonance Imaging Equipment & Tech, Beijing, Peoples R China
Peking Univ, Sch Basic Med Sci, Dept Biophys, Beijing, Peoples R China
Peking Univ, Hlth Sci Ctr, Med & Hlth Anal Ctr, Beijing, Peoples R China
Inst Appl Phys & Computat Math, Beijing, Peoples R China
Peking Univ, Sch Pharmaceut Sci, Dept Med Chem, Beijing, Peoples R China
Peking Univ, Hosp 3, Dept Neurol, Beijing, Peoples R China
Keywordsinterstitial fluid
extracellular space
tracer-based magnetic resonance imaging
Issue Date2019
AbstractIn searching for the drainage route of the interstitial fluid (ISF) in the deep brain, we discovered a regionalized ISF drainage system as well as a new function of m:selin in regulating the drainage. The traced ISF from the caudate nucleus drained to the ipsilateral cortex along myelin fiber tracts, while in the opposite direction, its movement to the adjacent thalamus was completely impeded by a barrier structure, which was identified as the converged, compact myelin fascicle. The regulating and the barrier effects of myelin were unchanged in AQP4-knockout rats but were impaired as the integrity of boundary structure of drainage system was destroyed in a demyelinated rat model. We thus proposed that the brain homeostasis was maintained within each ISF drainage division locally, rather than across the brain as a whole. A new brain division system and a new pathogenic mechanism of demyelination are therefore proposed.
Appears in Collections:第三医院

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