TitleBi-channel near- and far-field optical vortex generator based on a single plasmonic metasurface
AuthorsJiang, Qiao
Bao, Yanjun
Li, Jing
Tian, Lifeng
Cui, Tong
Sun, Lin
Du, Bowen
Li, Bowen
Bai, Benfeng
Wang, Jia
Sun, Hong-Bo
Shen, Bo
Zhang, Han
Lin, Feng
Zhu, Xing
Fang, Zheyu
AffiliationPeking Univ, State Key Lab Mesoscop Phys, Acad Adv Interdisciplinary Studies, Sch Phys, Beijing 100871, Peoples R China
Peking Univ, Minist Educ, Nanooptoelect Frontier Ctr, Beijing 100871, Peoples R China
Chinese Acad Sci, Tech Inst Phys & Chem, Key Lab Photochem Convers & Optoelect Mat, Beijing 100190, Peoples R China
Tsinghua Univ, Dept Precis Instruments, State Key Lab Precis Measurement Technol & Instru, Beijing 100084, Peoples R China
Collaborat Innovat Ctr Quantum Matter, Beijing, Peoples R China
Issue Date1-Jun-2020
AbstractWith the recent development of the metasurface, generating an optical vortex in optical far or near fields is realized in various ways. However, to generate vortices in both the near and far fields simultaneously is still a challenge, although it has great potential in the future compact and versatile photonic system. Here, a bi-channel optical vortex generator in both the near and far fields is proposed and demonstrated within a single metasurface, where the surface plasmon vortex and the far-field optical vortex can be simultaneously generated under circularly polarized light. The ability of generating vortices with arbitrary topological charges is experimentally demonstrated, which agrees well with simulations. This approach provides great freedom to integrate different vortex generators in a single device and offers new opportunities for integrated optical communications, trapping, and other related fields. (C) 2020 Chinese Laser Press
Appears in Collections:物理学院

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