TitleSACNN: Self-Attention Convolutional Neural Network for Low-Dose CT Denoising With Self-Supervised Perceptual Loss Network
AuthorsLi, Meng
Hsu, William
Xie, Xiaodong
Cong, Jason
Gao, Wen
AffiliationPeking Univ, Dept Elect Engn & Comp Sci, Beijing 100871, Peoples R China
Univ Calif Los Angeles, David Geffen Sch Med, Dept Radiol Sci, Los Angeles, CA 90024 USA
Univ Calif Los Angeles, Dept Comp Sci, Los Angeles, CA 90095 USA
Issue DateJul-2020
AbstractComputed tomography (CT) is a widely used screening and diagnostic tool that allows clinicians to obtain a high-resolution, volumetric image of internal structures in a non-invasive manner. Increasingly, efforts have been made to improve the image quality of low-dose CT (LDCT) to reduce the cumulative radiation exposure of patients undergoing routine screening exams. The resurgence of deep learning has yielded a new approach for noise reduction by training a deep multi-layer convolutional neural networks (CNN) to map the low-dose to normal-dose CT images. However, CNN-based methods heavily rely on convolutional kernels, which use fixed-sizefilters to process one local neighborhood within the receptive field at a time. As a result, they are not efficient at retrieving structural information across large regions. In this paper, we propose a novel 3D self-attention convolutional neural network for the LDCT denoising problem. Our 3D self-attention module leverages the 3D volume of CT images to capture a wide range of spatial information both within CT slices and between CT slices. With the help of the 3D self-attention module, CNNs are able to leverage pixels with stronger relationships regardless of their distance and achieve better denoising results. In addition, we propose a self-supervised learning scheme to train a domain-specific autoencoder as the perceptual loss function. We combine these two methods and demonstrate their effectiveness on both CNN-based neural networks and WGAN-based neural networks with comprehensive experiments. Tested on the AAPM-Mayo Clinic Low Dose CT Grand Challenge data set, our experiments demonstrate that self-attention (SA) module and autoencoder (AE) perceptual loss function can efficiently enhance traditional CNNs and can achieve comparable or better results than the state-of-the-art methods.
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