TitleInhibition of Apoptosis Reduces Diploidization of Haploid Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells during Differentiation
AuthorsZhang, Wenhao
Tian, Yaru
Gao, Qian
Li, Xu
Li, Yanni
Zhang, Jinxin
Yao, Chunmeng
Wang, Yuna
Wang, Haoyu
Zhao, Yiding
Zhang, Qian
Li, Luyuan
Yu, Yang
Fan, Yong
Shuai, Ling
AffiliationNankai Univ, State Key Lab Med Chem Biol, Tianjin 300350, Peoples R China
Nankai Univ, Coll Pharm, Tianjin 300350, Peoples R China
Peking Univ, Hosp 3, Clin Stem Cell Res Ctr, Reprod Med Ctr,Dept Gynecol & Obstet, Beijing 100191, Peoples R China
Guangzhou Med Univ, Affiliated Hosp 3, Key Lab Major Obstet Dis Guangdong Prov, Key Lab Reprod & Genet,Guangdong Higher Educ Inst, Guangzhou 510150, Peoples R China
Issue Date14-Jul-2020
AbstractPhenotypes of haploid embryonic stem cells (haESCs) are dominant for recessive traits in mice. However, one major obstacle to their use is self-diploidization in daily culture. Although haESCs maintain haploidy well by deleting p53, whether they can sustain haploidy in differentiated status and the mechanism behind it remain unknown. To address this, we induced p53-deficient haESCs into multiple differentiated lineages maintain haploid status in vitro. Haploid cells also remained in chimeric embryos and teratomas arising from p53-null haESCs. Transcriptome analysis revealed that apoptosis genes were downregulated in p53-null haESCs compared with that in wildtype haESCs. Finally, we knocked out p73, another apoptosis-related gene, and observed stabilization of haploidy in haESCs. These results indicated that the main mechanism of diploidization was apoptosis-related gene-triggered cell death in haploid cell cultures. Thus, we can derive haploid somatic cells by manipulating the apoptosis gene, facilitating genetic screens of lineage-specific development.
Appears in Collections:第三医院

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