TitleA Deep Learning-Based Approach for Glomeruli Instance Segmentation from Multistained Renal Biopsy Pathologic Images
AuthorsJiang, Lei
Chen, Wenkai
Dong, Bao
Mei, Ke
Zhu, Chuang
Liu, Jun
Cai, Meishun
Yan, Yu
Wang, Gongwei
Zuo, Li
Shi, Hongxia
AffiliationPeking Univ Peoples Hosp, Electron Microscope Lab, 11 Xizhimen S St, Beijing 100044, Peoples R China
Peking Univ Peoples Hosp, Dept Nephrol, Beijing, Peoples R China
Peking Univ Peoples Hosp, Dept Pathol, Beijing, Peoples R China
Beijing Univ Posts & Telecommun, Sch Informat & Commun Engn, 10 Xitucheng Rd, Beijing 100876, Peoples R China
Issue DateAug-2021
AbstractGlomeruli instance segmentation from pathologic images is a fundamental step in the automatic analysis of renal biopsies. Glomerular histologic manifestations vary widely among diseases and cases, and several special staining methods are necessary for pathologic diagnosis. A robust model is needed to segment and classify glomeruli with different staining methods and apply in cases with various glomerular pathologic changes. Herein, pathologic images from renal biopsy slides stained with three basic special staining methods were used to build the data sets. The snapshot group included 1970 glomeruli from 516 patients, and the whole-slide image group included 8665 glomeruli from 148 patients. Cascade Mask region-based convolutional neural net architecture was trained to detect, classify, and segment glomeruli into three categories: i) GN, structural normal; ii) global sclerosis; and iii) glomerular with other lesions. In the snapshot group, total glomeruli, GN, global sclerosis, and glomerular with other lesions achieved an F1 score of 0.914, 0.896, 0.681, and 0.756, respectively, which were comparable with those in the whole-slide image group (0.940, 0.839, 0.806, and 0.753, respectively). Among the three categories, GN achieved the best instance segmentation effect in both groups, as determined by average precision, average recall, F1 score, and Mask mean Intersection over Union. The present model segments and classifies multistained glomeruli with efficiency and robustness. It can be applied as the first step for more detailed glomerular histologic analysis. (Am J Pathol 2021, 191: 1431-1441; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ajpath.2021.05.004)
Appears in Collections:人民医院

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