TitleConstruction of Chinese Medicine Knowledge Base
AuthorsZhang, Kunli
Ren, Xiaohui
Zhuang, Lei
Zan, Hongying
Zhang, Weicong
Sui, Zhifang
AffiliationZhengzhou Univ, Sch Informat Engn, Beijing, Peoples R China
Peking Univ, Key Lab Computat Linguist, Minist Educ, Beijing, Peoples R China
Peng Cheng Lab, Beijing, Peoples R China
Issue Date2021
AbstractDrug information includes indications, contraindications, adverse reactions and other specific descriptions, which can provide a basis and support for rational clinical rational drug use and clinical decision-making. A Chinese medicine knowledge base with interrelated disease and drug information interrelated can effectively monitor the therapeutic effects of drugs on diseases and provide knowledge resources for drug research. In this paper, the multi-source Chinese Medicine Knowledge Base (CMKB) is constructed in view of the important role of drug information in clinical medication, auxiliary diagnosis, disease risk prediction and other practical applications. CMKB takes the mainstream medical resources such as the China Disease Knowledge Total Database and Dingx-iangyuan as data sources. On the basis of the knowledge description system and classification system of the medicine database, CMKB standardizes the classification of drugs from multiple sources and forms corresponding detailed knowledge descriptions. CMKB constructed contains 14,141 drugs, which are described in detail from 7 aspects such as indications, contraindications and classification. Knowledge association between drug entities and disease entities is established through named entity recognition. The accuracy of named entity recognition reaches 90.6% and 91.4% as assessed by different models. CMKB constructed in this paper can be a useful supplement for the Chinese Medical Knowledge Graph (CMeKG) and will provide support for intelligent diagnosis and clinical decision-making.
ISBN978-3-030-81197-6; 978-3-030-81196-9
Appears in Collections:计算语言学教育部重点实验室

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