TitleBeam optics analysis on magnetic-state-selected atomic clocks with optical detection
AuthorsChen, Sifei
Liu, Chang
Xu, Shaohang
Li, Yuanhao
Wang, Jiale
Wang, Yanhui
Liu, Ying
Jiao, Wenhai
AffiliationPeking Univ, Sch Elect, Beijing 100871, Peoples R China
Peking Univ, State Key Lab Adv Opt Commun Syst & Networks, Beijing 100871, Peoples R China
China Beijing Inst Tracking & Telecommun Technol, Beijing 100094, Peoples R China
Issue Date21-Mar-2022
AbstractIn traditional cesium beam clocks, cesium atoms are deflected by strong inhomogeneous magnetic fields. The distribution of the detectable atoms, which is critical to the short-term frequency stability, is hard to describe with analytical functions. In this paper, we numerically analyze the beam optics performance of cesium beam tubes based on the magnetic-state-selected and fluorescence detection scheme. To accurately model the cesium beam tube, we apply the Monte Carlo sampling directly inside the collimator. The finite element method is also applied to model the magnetic field. Upon the high dimensional distribution space, two key parameters are selected as indicators of the short-term performance of the cesium beam tube, the effective velocity distribution, and the normalized density difference of atoms in |F = 3 , m(F) = 0 & rang; and |F = 4 , m(F) = 0 & rang;. The influence of the configuration of the collimator is analyzed. Experiments are carried out with two manufactured beam tubes. The results show good agreement with the simulation model. We also discuss limitations of the simulation method when applied to designing cesium beam tubes. Published under an exclusive license by AIP Publishing.
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